Monday, January 24, 2011


ok, i am going to take another stab at figuring this out... it's probably an electrical/timing issue or a fuel delivery issue, so i am going to start over with the electrical stuff first...

first off is a new battery, mine is pretty dead and i have to charge it every time i try to start the car... that can't be helping the situation... i'm going to suck it up and drop the cash on an optima, since i go so long between starts (or attempted starts)...

after that, i'll check the valves again, although i don't think that's it, then new points, condenser, check the spark plugs, timing, etc.....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wolsfburg West Okrasa Dual Carb Kit you say?

so, i've gone 180, from wanting to blowup the bug (and i know how now), to thinking about dropping some big coin for the WW Okrasa vintage dual carb kit...

figured as long as it runs like dookie, might as well start over with something fun...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ok, i'll keep it...

i've done some thinking and some soul searching... i guess i'll keep it since i would ultimately regret it and probably blame the wife for letting me sell it, so for her sake i'll keep it...

i'm going to check a few things, then, i'm going to either rebuild or get somebody to rebuild various parts, i.e. the fuel pump, the carb, the distributer... should have done this earlier, since i can do this inside in the winter..

since nobody actually reads this, i guess i'll stop talking to myself now...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

For Sale: 1956 VW Beetle

man, i am so close... one of three things will happen...

1. i sell it and park the sti in the garage where it belongs....

2. i pull the engine and tranny, or tow the whole thing to charlotte and tell them to make it work...

3. i start taking things apart and it never gets back together...

every time i touch it, it manages to get worse...